Wednesday, December 1, 2010

A Christmas To Remember!

         Let's have a beautiful, wonderful Christmas! We can do it no matter how much money we have. I was going through some old magazines with Christmas stuff to make in it. I thought, why can't we "update" it? I will be putting my "updated gifts to make" here as soon as I get them done. Maybe tomorrow! Many take no time at all. You can give them as gifts or keep them for yourself. Trust me, you won't want to give them up! lol

         How about learning to knit or crochet? It's easier than you think. There are so many sites on the internet to help teach you. Then, you can make some awesome gifts such as... scarves, hats, mittens, washcloths, dishcloths, blankets, and afghans. These are the easy things to make once you learn the basics of knitting or crochet. Just think how many people would love a handmade gift from you! Here are some links to get you started:

         I know you can do it. Check these out and let me know how it's going.

I have a soup mug rug pattern that I have been working on. Maybe, I'll put the pattern up for all of you knitters! You could make a few of these, add some soup cups, spoons, soup, and put all of it in a nice basket wrapped with ribbon. Instant gift that you made!

         Well, get busy knitting and crocheting and let me know how great you are doing.

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